I thought that Monday's lecture was very interesting. I really enjoyed hearing about how teachers and administrators feel about NCLB. I also really liked listening to them answer questions about anything that had to do with things we might face in the future when teaching. I felt like this was a very useful way to use our time. I thought that both of those administrators gave us very good answers about No Child Left Behind. They told us their views about this only being one piece of the pie and that there are still plenty of things to teach in your own way. I also thought that they did a very good job explaining the whole issue of NCLB. Another thing that I liked was that they gave us a different prospective rather then the normal view that a lot of people have about NCLB being a bad thing. I thought over all this was a very good way to spend our time for a lecture. I would really enjoy having other outside speakers come. I really like hearing teachers prospective that are actually working in our schools.